Mig 29 Ukrainian - LONDON - Slovakia is currently considering donating all of its MiG-29s to the Ukrainian Air Force to help with the ongoing conflict in the country.

It is understood that this fulfills President Zelensky's long-standing request for fighter jets to fight the Russians.

Mig 29 Ukrainian

Mig 29 Ukrainian

If the delivery of the six MiG-29 fleet were to take place, this would make sense as the Slovak Air Force is currently awaiting 14 F-16 aircraft due to be delivered in 2023.

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Although the number is small, it will continue to grow as the conflict continues, with the Ukrainian Air Force already losing four MiG-29s.

As noted by Oryx, "The delivery of MiG-29s to Ukraine is sure to be a huge morale booster for its citizens and military, satisfying Ukraine's main demand since Russia launched its invasion on February 24."

However, Oryx also notes that the Slovak Air Force's MiG-29s are less advanced than the current Ukrainian Air Force MiGs, as they were originally built in the 1980s.

MiGs are also not on Zelensky's wish list, according to documents released by the Ukrainian government. They want:

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However, according to Oryx, the only problem with this is that it takes a long time to train such soldiers on board.

So, the MiG and the Slovak Air Force may actually be a blessing rather than an age barrier.

However, news of such donations from Slovaks has surfaced again this month. So have they changed their minds about this?

Mig 29 Ukrainian

"NATO will not be part of the conflict. Therefore NATO will not send troops to Ukraine or move aircraft into Ukrainian airspace".

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Considering that, the interpretation of Stoltenberg's message has left Slovaks wondering how distorted the statement might be.

If they send them to the Ukrainians, the Slovak soldiers will not shoot at the planes, so they will not be fully engaged. It will be Ukrainian pilots.

Since NATO already provides non-air assets to Ukraine, surely it would fall into that category?

It is clear that a decision will be made soon. At this stage, Zelensky cannot be very selective and must accept what he can get at this stage.

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If the Slovak government gives these assets to the Ukrainians, this could be the next step in further military aid to the country.

With world leaders speaking out on this issue every day, it wouldn't be surprising if other nations did the same. One of the last Slovak MiG-29s near the ship pictured on August 25, 2022. (All photo credits: Author/Airman)

The MiG-29 era of the Slovak Air Force is over. We joined them on air before they retired.

Mig 29 Ukrainian

The highlight of the Slovak International Aviation Festival 2022 (SIAF) held on 27 and 28 August 2022 at Malachy Airport was the farewell to the MiG-29 Fulcrum from the Slovak Air Force.

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Slovakia, a NATO member and neighbor of Ukraine, operates a fleet of 12 MiG-29 fighter jets in the 1st Fighter Squadron.

The history of the 1st Fighter Squadron (1 SLt) of the Slovak Air Force began in October 1992, when Slovak pilots underwent a MiG-29 Fulcrum conversion course at Zatec AFB in the Federal Republic of the former Czechoslovakia, which was later converted into a base. . At Sliač Air Base 1st SLt.

The Fulcrum flew to Sliač Air Base in December 1992. A few days later, on 1 January 1993, Czechoslovakia peacefully split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, leading to the disbandment of the Czechoslovak Army and the creation of the Army Corps. Czech Republic and Slovak Armed Forces.

Over the next two years, the unit's name changed from 1st Fighter Battalion (1 Stihasia Letka) to 311 Stihasia Letka (1st Battalion of the 31st Fighter Division) in early 1995 and finally to Stehasia Letka of Stehasia Letka in October 2001. Letecí. (Fighter Wing).

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After more than 30 years of service, the aircraft are now due to be retired. "The fighters are still in Sliača. They will protect our airspace until August, August 27 and 28, you will see them at SIAF, where they will officially say goodbye," Defense Minister Jaroslav Naď wrote on Twitter.

Much has been speculated in recent months about whether or not the MiG-29s will be handed over to Ukraine, which could easily defend itself given the gap between the Russian invasion forces. As reported by The Aviationist, the MiG-29 is used by the Ukrainian Air Force in a variety of roles, including SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses), due to the integration of the AGM-88 HARM (High-Speed ​​Anti-Radiation). missiles).

The issue began in April when Slovakian Prime Minister Eduard Hager said his country could send MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, but did not elaborate. In early July, Eduard Heger said his country could send Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, but declined to discuss details.

Mig 29 Ukrainian

During the SIAF, Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav told reporters that Bratislava was ready to send the planes to neighboring Ukraine, but no agreement had yet been reached. "There's a political will to help those who need help, and that makes sense," Nad said. "The possibility is on the table and we will let you know as soon as there is an agreement."

Mig 29 Ukraine 2

The Slovak Air Force ordered 14 F-16 Block 70/72 aircraft to replace its MiG-29 fleet in 2018, but Russia's invasion of Ukraine caused problems with the equipment and maintenance of the aircraft (which were supplied by Russian technicians). But the COVID-19 pandemic has caused problems in the production of Slovak Vipers: in fact, the first aircraft that were supposed to arrive in the country in 2022/23 are now planned to be delivered in the first half of 2024. The expectation is that F-16s Slovaks will be ready to serve the QRA national in 2025.

To address the shortage of fighter jets, the government of the Czech Republic approved a Slovak request for assistance in defending Slovak airspace. The Czech Air Force will defend its eastern neighbor's airspace alongside the Polish Air Force, which authorized an air policing operation in April this year. Slovakia's air patrol will begin in September and continue until the end of 2023. However, if Slovakia has problems with F-16 delivery, the operation could be extended until the end of 2024.

The agreement between the three nations was signed last Saturday, August 27, 2022, by Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad, his Czech counterpart Jana Cernochova and Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak.

"The agreement will go into effect with the landing of MiG-29 fighter jets in Slovakia on September 1," Defense Ministry spokeswoman Martina Koval Kakacikova said.

Su 27ub Ukraine Air Forces

Thus ends the era of the Soviet Fulcrum aircraft, in which 52 pilots were trained and flew 20,246 hours. For the participants, the SIAF 2022 air show was the last chance to see the MiG-29 of the Slovak Air Force in flight. On August 25 and 26, we participated in an air-to-air photography mission organized by Ironbird Photography, which allowed us to photograph the last MiG-29s before their retirement.

Jorge Ruivo is a freelance journalist based in Marinha Grande, Portugal. Since 2000, he has contributed photographic works and articles on the topic of military aviation published by Portuguese media. He has recently started working with various international media publishing articles and photographs in several magazines including Combat Aircraft and Air Force Monthly. Its main areas of interest are the Portuguese Air Force, its air force, foreign forces and military exercises.

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Mig 29 Ukrainian

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If you want to help purchase the original patch available only through this site email sales@ Two stages, called MiG-29MU1 and MiG-29MU2. In August 2018, two more MiG-29MU1 aircraft were delivered to the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF), which currently has eight MiG-29MU1 aircraft based at Vasilkiv AFB. The MiG-29MU2 is expected to enter service in 2019 and serial production of the MU2 modification is scheduled to begin in 2020. Lviv region.

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