Sara Duterte Military - "He is currently in an isolation room at his residence and will continue to work through email, messaging and video calling," the Davao City Police Department said.

SARAH DUTERTE. Davao City Mayor Sarah Duterte during the confirmation hearing of 22 military officers in the Senate on March 11, 2020. He already holds the rank of colonel. Senate photo PRIB

Sara Duterte Military

Sara Duterte Military

Davao City, Philippines - Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte has self-quarantined as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19, even though she has no symptoms.

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The City Hall said President Rodrigo Duterte's son signed on as a person under surveillance at the Davao City Health Department after one of his staff at his home fell ill. Employees are also listed as PUMs.

Another reason for his decision is that he met Senator Sherwin Gatchalian for lunch last Wednesday in Manila. Sarah was in the Senate to confirm her appointment as a reservist colonel.

Gatchalian and Senator Nancy Binay self-quarantine after learning that one of the sources at the Senate hearing last Wednesday tested positive for COVID-19. The Senate has been deadlocked since Thursday.

"Although the mayor is not suffering from flu-like symptoms, he has chosen to self-quarantine to protect others if he is found ill in the coming days," he said. released by city information officer Jeffrey Tupas.

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"He is now confined to a private room in his residence and will continue to work via email, messaging and video calling," he said.

Anyone wishing to speak with Sara can also be contacted by cell phone, according to her office. -

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